Thursday, July 23, 2015

My Celtic Goddess Journey Unveiled

A few days before I left the States for my goddess journey to Ireland, I had an important download from my ancestors. I was supposed to listen to a recorded call from my Year of Miracles program that dealt specifically with ancestral clearing and forgiveness. It was a call done by energy worker John Newton, and it was fantastic. He created a specific and powerful forgiveness prayer that encompasses every negative thought, emotion, word, or action and clears it from ourselves and our ancestors. That's my kind of clearing! As I listened to it, I knew that I was supposed to print it, bring it with me on my trip, and use it while I was in Ireland. And so I did. That little piece of paper was more powerful and energy-shifting than I could have possibly imagined.

My first stop in Ireland was at Glendalough in the Wicklow Mountains (above photo) and it was sunny! (It was actually sunny and warm for almost 2 weeks! The famous "heat wave" of Ireland). It is a well-preserved ancient Celtic Christianity site founded by St. Kevin in the 6th Century. It includes one of the best examples of the round tower (with a roof) built by the ancient monks, a church, graveyard, and other buildings from the monastic settlement.

I walked through the museum explaining the history of the settlement and was very saddened to hear that it had been burned, attacked, and pillaged numerous times throughout history, and many records were lost and monks were killed in the process. One of the most ferocious of the attacks came from the Vikings, which I found to be common everywhere I went throughout Ireland. As I read about the Viking attacks, it was like an illuminated light bulb went on over my head. I was getting direct revelation of how my goddess journey was to unfold, and I KNEW what I had to do.

I walked outside to the site, put my hands on the stones of the round tower and "asked" the stones to tell me their stories and show me images from their past. As expected, the energy that I felt and the images I saw were heavy and sad and wanted to be cleared. I pulled out my forgiveness prayer and read it aloud with the intention of clearing all negative feelings and energies resulting in the interactions between the Vikings and monks, and anything else that needed clearing. Amazing!! So THIS is what a Celtic goddess healing journey can look like! This was also the closest thing to 'time traveling' that I'd ever done, and it was thrilling!

After I read the prayer and did the clearing, I put my hands on the stones again and gave thanks to God and all high vibration beings who helped me in the healing. The energy I felt was so much lighter and beautiful, and the magical qualities of this ancient place of faith were able to shine through and overwhelm me to tears.

I sat on the grass and put my hands on the blessed land of Ireland and had an intense few minutes of connection and gratitude as I anticipated the powerful undertakings about to transpire. Ireland and I would be one, and I would be a key player in healing centuries of pain, death, and darkness that this country has suffered under. I was almost speechless. I'm just one individual from a far away place myself, but here I was back in the lands of my ancestry where time stands still, and I was providing this much needed and all-important healing work. I was humbled, excited, and totally blown away. WOW.

I knew that history has seen many others who have been called to Ireland to do similar things, and now I would be joining the ranks of all Celtic pilgrims, saints, and healers, who are all my heroes. But for me, it was also hitting a personal note, since I would be a part of the healing for my very own Irish ancestors. My friends, when you talk about following your bliss, making a difference, leaving a legacy, and becoming one with God, I just can't think of a better way to spend your days than doing what I was about to do! And just like the word featured in the photo above, this would be a powerful journey indeed.

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