It's hard to believe, but the "official" goddess journey year has come to an end. That went really fast and was FULL of amazing adventures, lessons, miracles, magic, and awakenings. I loved it!! I returned from my 6 weeks of traveling through Ireland (pictured above) and Israel earlier this month and now it's time to embark on the next phase of my goddess path, which I will explain in later posts.
In late April, after 3 days of trying to fly standby and being awake for 60 straight hours, I finally arrived on Irish soil. I thought the hard part was over, but no!
I was detained at immigration for about 30 harrowing, nail-biting minutes being interrogated as to why I didn't have a work visa nor travel insurance since I was going to work on a farm. In my defense, I am a very rule-abiding person and I researched the circumstances I would have beforehand and was convinced I would need neither a work visa nor insurance. Nor did the woman I was staying with inform me I needed them, and she had had many people come help her for years, so she was experienced. I was sure I was following Irish laws, but apparently I misunderstood. I sincerely apologized to the officer, and asked if I could get a work visa and insurance on the spot, and was told no, very meanly. Panic started to settle in.
The immigration officer called the woman I would be staying with and basically chewed her out, told her that she and I were purposefully deceiving him, made some notes in his computer on her (uh oh!), and told her the bad news: I would not be admitted entrance into Ireland and would be on the next plane back to the States.
WHAT?! Heart attack time. I couldn't believe that I was being treated like some dangerous criminal or something. (He was really quite harsh with me). My mind just couldn't process what was happening. I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone. I have been traveling my whole life, and this was the first time anything like this had ever happened. The dark forces really didn't want me to complete this goddess journey, and they were fighting hard!
I addressed Heavenly Mother calmly, "Heavenly Mother?? If you really want me to undertake this goddess journey, now would be an excellent time for a miracle. Just saying..."
Then I quickly made the decision to accept whatever happened, knowing it would be in my highest good. That meant accepting the potential loss of thousands of dollars already spent on my travel arrangements for the next six weeks. That meant accepting the fact that I had just spent 3 days trying to get to Ireland, and it was for nothing, and I'd have to fly back home empty-handed. That meant losing my flight benefits on the airline I flew on (or so immigration told me). And that meant sadly and tragically, that this goddess journey that I, and my ancestors, had been planning and anticipating for an entire year was not to be. That's a lot to accept in 30 seconds, but I knew I had to surrender it all. (Thanks to previous lessons on my goddess journey!)
Then I heard Heavenly Mother speak to me. "Don't worry, everything will be fine. All is perfect."
Suddenly the immigration officer changed his mind out of nowhere. WHAT?! He said that he would let me into Ireland if I would promise to get travel insurance immediately and that next time I came to work on a farm in Ireland, I would get a work visa. Then he took my picture (I was wearing my shocked face) with his official camera (because I was obviously a threat to the nation of Ireland) and waved me on while I thanked him and wore my deer in the headlights look. Thank you! Wait, what just happened?
What had happened is that I had just witnessed a miracle take place before my very eyes. Wow. A part of me wondered if this was really happening or if it was some elaborate trap to set me up or something. It was all too bizarre. #twilightzonethoughts
I wanted to cry. I wanted to fall to my knees on that cold hard tile floor under those harsh fluorescent lights where photos aren't allowed, and pour my heart out to God in thankful cathartic sobs for what just happened. I had been surrounded by darkness and it definitely appeared they were going to win, but the light had won in the end! Huzzah! Praises be to God Almighty for miracles!
It was hard not being able to share this with anyone in that moment, but at least God knew my heart, and my overwhelming, sincere gratitude. I sat down on the ground and as tears rolled down my cheeks, I breathed sighs of relief, grounded myself, and said silent prayers of relief and thankfulness until I gained my composure, which was easier said than done. I had been ultimately rocked to the core, but I heard my inner voice tell me, it was all in the name of raising to higher levels and vibrations.
Then I pulled out my laptop and bought travel insurance for the duration of my time in Ireland. I am a woman of my word. Then I emailed my farm host and told her I was coming after all, details to follow.
I picked up my baggage, an Irish sim card, some Euro, and my car rental, learned really quickly how to drive on the the left side of the road for the first time, activated my life-saving gps on my phone, prayed I could stay awake and alert for the next 12 hours and...
...let the adventures unfold... Helloooooooo Ireland!!!
To be continued...
In late April, after 3 days of trying to fly standby and being awake for 60 straight hours, I finally arrived on Irish soil. I thought the hard part was over, but no!
I was detained at immigration for about 30 harrowing, nail-biting minutes being interrogated as to why I didn't have a work visa nor travel insurance since I was going to work on a farm. In my defense, I am a very rule-abiding person and I researched the circumstances I would have beforehand and was convinced I would need neither a work visa nor insurance. Nor did the woman I was staying with inform me I needed them, and she had had many people come help her for years, so she was experienced. I was sure I was following Irish laws, but apparently I misunderstood. I sincerely apologized to the officer, and asked if I could get a work visa and insurance on the spot, and was told no, very meanly. Panic started to settle in.
The immigration officer called the woman I would be staying with and basically chewed her out, told her that she and I were purposefully deceiving him, made some notes in his computer on her (uh oh!), and told her the bad news: I would not be admitted entrance into Ireland and would be on the next plane back to the States.
WHAT?! Heart attack time. I couldn't believe that I was being treated like some dangerous criminal or something. (He was really quite harsh with me). My mind just couldn't process what was happening. I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone. I have been traveling my whole life, and this was the first time anything like this had ever happened. The dark forces really didn't want me to complete this goddess journey, and they were fighting hard!
I addressed Heavenly Mother calmly, "Heavenly Mother?? If you really want me to undertake this goddess journey, now would be an excellent time for a miracle. Just saying..."
Then I quickly made the decision to accept whatever happened, knowing it would be in my highest good. That meant accepting the potential loss of thousands of dollars already spent on my travel arrangements for the next six weeks. That meant accepting the fact that I had just spent 3 days trying to get to Ireland, and it was for nothing, and I'd have to fly back home empty-handed. That meant losing my flight benefits on the airline I flew on (or so immigration told me). And that meant sadly and tragically, that this goddess journey that I, and my ancestors, had been planning and anticipating for an entire year was not to be. That's a lot to accept in 30 seconds, but I knew I had to surrender it all. (Thanks to previous lessons on my goddess journey!)
Then I heard Heavenly Mother speak to me. "Don't worry, everything will be fine. All is perfect."
Suddenly the immigration officer changed his mind out of nowhere. WHAT?! He said that he would let me into Ireland if I would promise to get travel insurance immediately and that next time I came to work on a farm in Ireland, I would get a work visa. Then he took my picture (I was wearing my shocked face) with his official camera (because I was obviously a threat to the nation of Ireland) and waved me on while I thanked him and wore my deer in the headlights look. Thank you! Wait, what just happened?
What had happened is that I had just witnessed a miracle take place before my very eyes. Wow. A part of me wondered if this was really happening or if it was some elaborate trap to set me up or something. It was all too bizarre. #twilightzonethoughts
I wanted to cry. I wanted to fall to my knees on that cold hard tile floor under those harsh fluorescent lights where photos aren't allowed, and pour my heart out to God in thankful cathartic sobs for what just happened. I had been surrounded by darkness and it definitely appeared they were going to win, but the light had won in the end! Huzzah! Praises be to God Almighty for miracles!
It was hard not being able to share this with anyone in that moment, but at least God knew my heart, and my overwhelming, sincere gratitude. I sat down on the ground and as tears rolled down my cheeks, I breathed sighs of relief, grounded myself, and said silent prayers of relief and thankfulness until I gained my composure, which was easier said than done. I had been ultimately rocked to the core, but I heard my inner voice tell me, it was all in the name of raising to higher levels and vibrations.
Then I pulled out my laptop and bought travel insurance for the duration of my time in Ireland. I am a woman of my word. Then I emailed my farm host and told her I was coming after all, details to follow.
I picked up my baggage, an Irish sim card, some Euro, and my car rental, learned really quickly how to drive on the the left side of the road for the first time, activated my life-saving gps on my phone, prayed I could stay awake and alert for the next 12 hours and...
...let the adventures unfold... Helloooooooo Ireland!!!
To be continued...