This weekend I was blessed with another niece, and like all the rest of my nieces and nephews, she instantly melted my heart. It's been a very exciting time. I'm sure like all the other grandchildren in the family, she will be a joy and delight to all of us. Each of them brings a very special spirit of joy and innocence to our family, which I love.
This past week has been all about the babies! What better way to delve right into a journey into rebirth! In Dr. Weiss' book, Miracles Happen, that I'm reading, he states,
"Our bodies and our minds are the masks our real self- the soul- wears in the physical world. When we die, we remove our masks and we rest in our natural state. There is no disappearance, no oblivion. We simply take off our masks, our clothes, and other outer coverings, and we return home to the spiritual realms. Here we are renewed and restored. Here we reflect on the lessons of the life that we have just left. Here we are reunited with our soul companions across the centuries. Here we plan our next lifetime on the earth. When the time and circumstances are right, we don new masks- a baby's body and brain- and return to the physical state. With a refreshed energy and outlook, we continue learning our spiritual lessons until the need to reincarnate is no longer necessary. Then we can continue to help people to the other side. It is important to remember that we are the souls, not the masks."One of my friends had a baby a few weeks ago and she told me that our psychic friend sensed that he (the baby) had not lived on this planet since the 1500s. So interesting. I wonder if he's been on other planets this whole time. If I hadn't lived on Earth for 500 years, I might think my reincarnating days are done. :) But not so! Here he is once again, with more lessons to learn. My friend also said that she senses her baby is already tired of being a baby again, being the old soul that he is. I totally believe that!
I believe that anyone who is choosing to become like a god or goddess will eventually get to the point when all the lessons are learned and we can progress into god/goddesshood. I have a feeling that I asked for many lives to experience everything under the sun, but sometimes I do wonder when my lessons will be done. Not in a 'hurry up' kind of way, just a curiosity kind of way. Is someone going to knock on my door one day and say, "Congratulations, you've learned all your lessons. Time to be a goddess."?
There was something else that I found very interesting in Dr. Weiss' book. This was the theory that one of his clients had about women who had had miscarriages somehow getting the trauma of that event stuck in their bodies. (Which I totally believe happens). This ultimately caused the next baby that they were pregnant with to be breech. This client would help the mother do a visualization to clear that energy and communicate that to the baby, reassuring the baby that all was well. In 100% of the cases, when the mother did this, the baby turned from breech to the correct position. I was pretty amazed at this. This could seriously help reduce the FAR too many C-sections that are performed right now!
This theory also hit a personal chord with me since I was born via a C-section because I was breech. Right before my mother got pregnant with me, she had a miscarriage. I now wonder if my mother had done this simple visualization, a C-section might not have been necessary. (There were no other factors involved in the doctor doing a C-section other than me being breech; my mother and I were both healthy and she was in her early 20s).
Other baby and fertility references this week... A few nights ago, I had a dream that I was taking care of a baby that wasn't my own. When I woke up, I recognized that baby dreams usually indicate something new, or change. This is fantastic because I'm definitely ready for some new fun adventures!
Also, a few different times during meditation this week, I saw things, (animals and flowers) which upon researching, I discovered were symbols of fertility. It's always fun to see things in meditation that I have no understanding of their symbolism to read about it later and find out all the magical things it means. It's like a fun little game you can play every day while tapping into your own energy and seeing what's there that you need to discover more about that day.
Apparently I needed to have a lot of 'babies, fertility, and rebirth' put into my field this past week. It's been a unique experience for a woman who has never had a child, (in this life anyway), but is very connected to the children she knows will come. And I wonder what adventures my children-to-be have had in other eons and dimensions, or are currently having, until we get to meet in this lifetime. It will be exciting when that is revealed.