Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Heaven on the Mountainside

A few days ago I was enjoying a delightful "European picnic" with a beautiful, dear friend of mine. The scenery, delicacies (representing 5 European countries), atmosphere, props (above) and even the iPhone music we had whisked us away to another time and place amidst the rolling hills of a romantic land across the sea. It was in a word, heaven. And I almost missed it.

I almost missed this heavenly scene because right beforehand, I got into a battle with my inner demons and fears that surfaced at a most inopportune time! I felt completely paralyzed, and this was both surprising and frustrating. It was surprising because ever since I began my spiritual goddess path, I have been able to successfully focus on my journey keeping a very positive, abundant outlook on my life, drinking in the magic of moments like never before. I have never experienced such a time of growth, expansion, and ascension, and a true connection to my goddess self. So why was it so easy to get pulled back into old patterns of thought, fears, and doubts when I least expected it? That was the frustrating part.

The next step was to figure out what to do about a real goddess.

One of my indispensable daily tools is meditation. Nothing else brings me such peace, grounding, and inspiration as I am guided by my highest self, my guides, and God. (I especially love to do it while diffusing essential oils and placing oils on myself too). I knew that upon being pulled into the field of negativity where I was, I needed to immediately get to a better place, so my dear friend chose some affirmation-filled, beautiful music to assist me with my meditation and EFT tapping to open up energy blockages in my meridians. It was lovely, and I did feel the positive effects after allowing myself to come back to my center.

Unfortunately, the negative field of your fears and doubts can be very strong, (alas!) and I realized I needed even more help. My friend was incredibly patient and kind, listening to me voice my concerns and frustrations with myself. It's not easy being on a goddess path--the 'growing pains' are intense, let me tell you. (This is one reason I haven't written for 2 months, but that's a whole other story).

My friend is very wise, and during our conversation expressed to me the age old wisdom of 3 main truths of which I needed reminding:

1. What you're worried about doesn't matter (in this moment, nor in the grand scheme of things).
2. Show gratitude for the beautiful abundance and miracles all around you, no matter how small.
3. We have tools to get past our pain and we need to use them.

Brilliant. Easy. But why so hard?

Why is it so hard to remember that when you are worried about something from your past, or something that may or may not happen in the future, that it TRULY doesn't matter in your present?? Not only can you do nothing about it, but you are missing out on the beautiful present right there in front of you! The present moment that is most assuredly filled with abundance of light, beauty and all things magical if you will see them. We can see them by using our tools, like meditation, tapping, energy work, and many other modalities. A goddess doesn't go anywhere without her Goddess Toolbox because a goddess has no need unfulfilled. Why do we forget that sometimes?

I listened to my friend's gentle wisdom of light and let it seep in. We drove up to the mountains as I said a silent prayer to Goddess asking for even further help. May she lighten my heart and open my eyes to this beauty in my present moment and free me of the weights that plagued me needlessly.

Like the endowing Goddess she is, she answered my heart's prayer. By the time I was on the mountain a few minutes later, the darkness had left me, and my eyes and heart were opened to the transformative powers of nature and the dance of healing energies all around me. I was so grateful. I enjoyed pure bliss, where fears and doubts do not exist. I ate a pretzel and divine French cheeses and organic grapes. Did I mention it was heaven? My friend and I basked in the refined magic of it all. Perhaps next time I feel a cloud descending over me, I can recall such moments as these and remember life's sublime richness. What blessings.

As we left that exquisite mountain scene, I expressed my deep gratitude to my friend for being one of my spiritual tools that day that helped me come back to myself, back to the present. Where would I be without the magnificent, beautiful teachers and guides in my life? Not on a glorious European mountainside, that's for sure.

Danke...danke sehr. :)