Sunday, May 25, 2014

"How Jesus Became A Christ"

(photo from

I just finished watching part one of the documentary "How Jesus Became A Christ" by Miceal Ledwith and all I can say is 'Wow.' Interestingly enough, it was introduced to me from someone at church today. In watching this documentary, I don't think I've received that much amazing new information about Jesus at one time in my whole life. (And I'm only half way done with the film!) Because this was all new to me, I naturally had to run the information by my own 'filters of truth' and see what felt true and right and of God. I would say that 99% of it did feel that way to me. What I loved about it most is how well it fits into my spiritual path, because everything I'm studying and doing I am bringing back to God, Goddess, and Jesus, my foundation.

Miceal Ledwith was a Catholic priest and is an extraordinarily learned scholar of theology and philosophy, and has been a life-long seeker of truth, especially to the main questions of life. His studies brought him to the writings of Ramtha and his school of ancient wisdom. Mr. Ledwith says he has finally received the answers to the questions he's been searching for, such as "Who am I?" "Where did I come from?" "What am I doing here?" and "What can I expect after death?" In essence, this documentary discusses:
  • The missing years of Jesus' life from the New Testament (age 12-30) and where he spent them- India, Tibet, Egypt and other parts of the ancient world.
  • What Jesus did, experienced, and learned in this 18 year time period and how it influenced the 3 years of his public ministry.
  • How Jesus set up a path for us to follow him and become gods and goddesses through both his public, recorded ministry, and the lost truths of his teachings which were influenced by Buddhism, Hinduism, and "The Great Work" in Hermeticism.
Many wonderful things were discussed in this documentary. One idea was the original symbol of the cross- an alignment of vertical, heavenly plane (spirit) and the horizontal, earthly plane (body) and that it actually holds the energy of the word 'life' and not 'death'. He described the ancient ceremony of baptism and the significance of water, a symbol of returning to the primordial existence and new life. Another idea outlined was how the 7 seals relate to the 7 chakras. Also, it was suggested that Jesus was following the path of 'The Great Work' when he visited the 7 great temples along the Nile River in Egypt, participating in sacred rites of passage at each one, overcoming fears and blocks and gaining more enlightenment on his path to becoming the Christ.

Dr. Ledwith suggests that with so many of Jesus' original teachings lost or misconstrued, present day Christianity is far from what it started out as, and leaves us little instruction on how to truly become as Christ. While it is not expected of us to die for all of mankind, Jesus' teachings definitely go beyond the traditional dictates of 'love thy neighbor' and 'keep my commandments'. It involves helping us make a radical transformation of who we are- claiming our divine birthright- and walking the path he walked so that we do so.

Three particular things that we can learn from Jesus are:
  •  We are all gods and goddesses, but we must bring it into realization, and the technique to do that is what we need to learn. Psalm 82--"I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High."
  • Prayer is gratitude for what is (even if it isn't yet, we act 'as if it is') and manifestation of our thoughts of abundance rather than groveling pleas for help for an undeserving soul. (Goes hand in hand with quantum physics and the Laws of Creation and Abundance) Matthew 7:7--"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."
  • If we do these things that Jesus teaches us, then we will do all the great works that he did and even more so. John 14:12--"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do." 
It makes sense that the major churches of Christianity wouldn't want us to know all these things, nor especially any connections between Jesus and the Buddha, for example. However, it was stated that there are actually 112 parallels between Jesus and the Buddha, including teachings, parables, and ceremonies that are exactly the same. This validates my own journey since I plan on going to Tibet in April of 2015, and now I know I will in fact be walking the same ground that Jesus walked. While I'm there, I will be meditating deeply on what I can learn both from the Buddha and from my Savior, Jesus Christ.

A few of the spiritual questions I asked my sister earlier today were touched on in the documentary, which was really cool to see. I love how once we embark on a specific path with an open mind and heart, and expect to be guided with faith, the answers will come more unexpectedly and beautifully than you can imagine. This documentary has helped me add another deeper perspective into the life of Jesus Christ, his sacred mysteries that are being revealed, and how I can apply his teachings to my own sojourn on Earth even more personally.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day, Divine Goddess

(Photo credit Renee Shaw)

It's Mother's Day. A day to celebrate your mother and the Divine Feminine. I had some good quality time with my mother today, whom I love dearly. I also love my Heavenly Mother, and would like to honor Her today as well. I grew up in a religion that believes in Heavenly Mother, but never speaks of Her. While I do understand the idea of not speaking of something because it is too holy, can we possibly take this idea too far? How are we honoring our other Heavenly Parent if we never speak of Her, never connect with Her, and never talk to Her?

It's such a simple idea, but because the idea never got introduced to me, it was never in my awareness: I can have a relationship with my Heavenly Mother, the source of MY divine femininity! Brilliant! This idea finally hit home for me about a year ago when I attended my friend R's book launch party for her book Talks with My Heavenly Mother, and I was so inspired hearing her talk about the conversations she had with God's Better Half. I loved it! Right after that I read her book and I was determined to make Heavenly Mother a huge part of my life too. To me, She is the epitome of the beautiful Divine Goddess I'm striving to be.

Heavenly Mother has many names in every different culture, and each personification is beautiful and majestic. I love this quote from Kris Waldherr, 
"As women we are all creatresses. As such, we reflect the Universe within ourselves and our bodies. With our bodies, we can give birth to life. With our hearts and minds, we can give birth to works that can change the world. Using this equation, is it any wonder so many goddesses are honored as The Great Mother?"
Creatress is such an amazing word! Heavenly Mother, or however She is known to you, created me, life, love, and all magical things around me. She is everywhere and everything. How can I not honor Her and want to be close to Her? Why wouldn't I want Her to teach me how to create and be a creatress? If I truly have this power within me, and I can truly change the world, why would I not want to seek the source of this power in the most intimate way possible?

A lovely website I found called describes a Modern Day Goddess this way: "A Modern Day Goddess is a woman passionately dedicated to opening to her inner truth, accepting her divinity, owning her power and sharing her unique gifts with the world." I want to do all of these things, and I can think of no better teacher than Heavenly Mother to teach me. After all, She's been doing it for eons. :)

I love to imagine myself giving Heavenly Mother huge hugs, sitting on Her lap as if I'm a little child needing to hear that everything is going to be ok, and talking to Her about everything (and more) that I would discuss with my earthly mother. The unconditional, deep love I feel from Her as well as the depth of understanding she has for my heart are amazing. She is one of graceful wisdom and enlightenment that sparkles and radiates. I have really tried to tune into Her words to me personally from Mother to daughter. It has made a huge difference in my life. R tells me that that Heavenly Father deals more with the logic side of our lives and Heavenly Mother deals more with the emotional side. I have found this to be true. 

While I still  hold Heavenly Mother very sacred, I'm not afraid to speak of Her like it's a taboo topic. I speak of Her with genuine love, respect, and honor. I speak of Her with reverence. The point is, I speak of Her, and speak to Her. My divine feminine sensibilities are slowly being attuned under Her loving care. I love Her so deeply, which in turn helps me love myself and who I am more.

Closing with a quote from Susan S. Weed,
"You are the Goddess. Every breath is a blessing. Every step is sacred. Be the Goddess in all you do, in all you dream, in all you speak. She is all that you can ever imagine. In fact, She is greater and wider, broader and more complex than your wildest imaginings. Let yourself be Her. Claim your power to be all that you are, all that She is. All."
Happy Mother's Day to all of you gorgeous diving creatresses and goddesses.

How do you honor the Divine Feminine Goddess in your life?

Monday, May 5, 2014

Gifts from the Universe

Look what was waiting for me in my porch swing when I got home today... my own brand new copy of the book Oneness by Rasha. Mouth is watering...

This lovely gift is from my friend J, whom I told of my spiritual goddess journey and he immediately offered to buy me this book which needs to be in the library of anyone on a spiritual journey. I was so touched!! I am very grateful for his thoughtfulness and generosity and his gift from the Universe. I have only heard good things about this book and I can't wait to read it. Have you read it? If so, what are your thoughts? J says that this book becomes a part of you, and a part of your energy. The connection between a human and a book has never been so poetically described. I guess I should have guessed this all from the book's title. :)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Beginning of a Goddess Journey (video)

Have you ever asked yourself any of these questions:

What are my passions?
What am I fighting for?
How can I use my gifts to help others?
What should I be focusing on in my life right now?

How did you get your answers? A few days ago on April 30, 2014, during a meditation, I got clear direction on how I can find the answers to these questions. The next day I started this journey- the spiritual journey of Goddess Rebecca. I hope to unlock the goddess within myself, access my divine feminine power, and discover and share my spiritual gifts while increasing my connection to God. I document this both for myself and for any of you on a similar path.

I wanted an image that would be the symbol of this path that I will be documenting for the next year (although I hope the journey is lifelong). I googled "Goddess Rebecca" images to see what came up, and the photo that is my profile picture, as well as the background photo on my blog is what I chose. It is a fountain in Bath, England called "The Rebecca Fountain", and on some websites she was called "The Water Goddess". The inscription below her reads "Take the water of life freely." Since water has been a significant element in my life recently, I knew immediately this statue would be the symbol of my journey, and I do hope to meet her in person one day. :) (photo credit Richard Wyatt)

May 1, or 'May Day', is a fantastic day to start a goddess journey because on that day we celebrate Goddess Maia, from whom the month of May gets its name. She is the goddess of spring and rebirth and is associated with magic and life. I look forward to the rebirth and magic that this next year of life holds for me.

I was so excited to go to the library and start my spiritual education...I was like a kid in a candy store! Here's a picture I took of everything I carried home a few days ago. Let the journey begin...